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Volunteers are the essence of this club. We need your help. Sign up. Learn a new skill. Take advantage of the benefits of being a volunteer and being satisfied with a job well done!

MAC United Soccer is run by volunteers, and therefore as a minimum, each family group is asked to support your soccer program by volunteering for one position each soccer season. If all parents participate, the soccer program will continue to operate smoothly and efficiently. Most of the volunteer positions require only a small time commitment. Coaching and team manager positions are the most important positions to be filled, and require about 2 to 3 hours per week.

There are always a number of important and vacant committee positions to be filled for the upcoming season. A technical knowledge of soccer is not necessary for most of these positions. Please send us an email for more information to

Make two or three selections in your order of preference. If you are registering more than one child, you will be asked to volunteer for only one of your children/family.

Coaching is a vital role and we are always looking for coaches in our soccer program. Please consider coaching your children in soccer.


**Please note that volunteering during your child's game or practice for regular game activities (ie. linesman, Field Marshall, setting up equipment) does not qualify you for a volunteer refund. This is a regular part of being a soccer parent.

Please do not wait to be contacted for helping out, contact us for a volunteer position.

If you can not meet your volunteer commitments, you are encouraged to find a replacement for the times you are asked to volunteer with your child.